Karma – Crime Passion Reincarnation – latest movies streaming

Vikram, estranged and separated from his father, Ranvir, for the past thirty years, visits him in Ooty with his bride Anna from New York at her insistence, but only for a day or two. The moment Anna alights from the train that brings them to the small town, she unwittingly becomes the medium of events including visions of a murder that took place in the woods surrounding Vik’s father’s home thirty years ago. With little love by Vik for his father, it is Anna, an orphan, who conspires with her father-in-law to change Vik’s mind about staying longer and taking over his father’s business. The hauntings now become more frequent and intense, making Anna sick to the point of her mental state of mind questioned. Even though Anna had never set foot in Ooty, leave alone India before, she seems very familiar with the surroundings and even some people. Anna begins to questions some people who then see her as a threat…
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