Marega Salaa

Marega Salaa

Marega Salaa – latest movies streaming

Marega Salaa
Marega Salaa

The beginning itself is intriguing and unconventional when we get introduced to a not so typical bright and shine cop not the kind we are so used to in bollywood movies. The cop Jay played pretty well by Jimmy Shergill shares his equally intriguing philosophy about the betrayal in the charms of women and how he’s been let down by his own heart giving in when the mind doesn’t want to. This we realize is the premise that would be slowly revealed in the rest of the movie and completely unraveled at the end of it. Assigned with the security of the minister and his young daughter he doesn’t come across as a model for a Cop as he ends up in bed with what he is supposed to only protect. This gets him in trouble after which he is transfered to Mumbai where the rest of the story proceeds with a murder mystery of a Remix mogul Anirudh. He has company in the form of the other cop, his buddy cum “unlucky jinx” and a seductive yet dangerous Tanya, the wife of the murder victim. As the movie plays along there are some needless and dragging explorations made in the relationship of Tanya with her now dead husband and others around him as well as the sexual tension developing between the two main protagonists. However, the movie manages to keep the interest factor up till the very end.

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