The.Confession (1999)

The.Confession (1999)

The.Confession (1999) – latest movies streaming

The.Confession (1999)
The.Confession (1999)

Ambitious New York City lawyer Roy Bleakie (Alec Baldwin) is well on his way to landing the coveted position of district attorney when he takes on Harry Fertig (Ben Kingsley) as a client. Fertig is being held for murdering the doctors whose callous negligence resulted in his young son’s death. When Bleakie discovers that the pious and honorable Fertig wants to take responsibility for his actions by pleading guilty, the young attorney is forced to rethink not only his career but his life.

Cast: Alec Baldwin, Ben Kingsley, Amy Irving, Boyd Gaines, Anne Twomey, Richard Jenkin, Kevin Conway, Jay O. Sanders, Chris Noth

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